Beth Jenny Sparkle is a 22-year-old gym assistant with an unfortunate habit of bumping off the people around her. She is exciting and smart, but can also be very violent and a bit unintelligent.

Her first victim was her friend, Brodie Roxy Morales, who she killed because she was humming too loudly. She hopes to kill again very soon.

She is an Ethiopian Sikh who defines herself as gay. She didn’t finish school. She has phobias of balloons and bridges, and is obsessed with reading.

Physically, Beth is in pretty good shape. She is tall with olive skin, ginger hair and green eyes. She has a tattoo of a bookshelf on her left shoulder.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Her father left when she was young, leaving her with her mother, who was an addict.

She is currently in a relationship with Livia Aidan Miller. Livia is 17 years older than her and works as a chef.

Beth’s best friend is a gym assistant called Andre Mason. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with a gym assistant called Tallulah Wright. They enjoy hockey together.